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12月1日清华麦戈文科研系列报告 - Dr.Zhi-Li Huang


12月1日清华麦戈文科研系列报告 - Dr.Zhi-Li Huang


报 告 人:Dr.Zhi-Li Huang (Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences; State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology and MOE Frontiers Center for Brain Science, and Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University)

时  间:2020年12月1日 14:00-15:30  

地  点:E109,生物医学馆 

主 持 人:Dr.Kexin Yuan

报告题目:The Mystery of Sleep, from basic research to clinic implications with a focus on the basal ganglia systems

报告摘要:We spend about a third of our lives in sleep, but we do not know why we need sleep and how sleep and wakefulness are regulated. The basal ganglia (BG) act as a cohesive functional unit that regulates motor function, habit formation, and reward/addictive behaviors. However, it is still not understood how the BG sleep-wake cycles to achieve all these fundamental functions until genetically engineered systems developed these years. We focused on the adenosine A2A and dopamine D1 Receptors (R) in the BG and obtained following 4 findings: (1) Nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine D1R-expressing neurons are essential in controlling wakefulness and are involved in physiological arousal via the lateral hypothalamus and midbrain circuits; (2) The rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg), also called the GABAergic tail of the ventral tegmental area, projects to the midbrain dopaminergic system and other regions. Our findings reveal an essential role of the RMTg in the promotion of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM, NREM) sleep and homeostatic regulation; (3) Opposite to the D1R neurons in the NAc, A2AR neurons in the NAc/GABA neurons in the ventral pallidum made a prominent contribution to sleep control associated with motivation. (4) Striatal adenosine A2AR neurons control active-period sleep via parvalbumin neurons in external globus pallidus. Taken together, we proposed a plausible model in which the caudate-putamen and NAc integrate behavioral processes with sleep/wakefulness through adenosine and dopamine receptors. The impacts of the BG in physiological sleep and insomnia in Parkinson’s patients will be discussed.

Key words: adeno-associated virus, optogenetics, DREADD, basal ganglia 


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