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时间:2020-05-28 10:00-11:00

主讲人:Prof.Yong Xu(Baylor college of medicine)

主题:Central control of metabolism: Does sex truly matter?



Dr. Xu obtained his medical degree in Tongji Medical University (China) and then Ph.D. degree in University of Alberta (Canada). After a postdoctoral training at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas), he established his own research program at Baylor College of Medicine in 2010. The major goals of Dr. Xu's lab are to identify the novel neural circuits, neurotransmitters and intracellular molecules in the brain that are critical for control of energy and glucose homeostasis. Dr. Xu’s group uses Cre-loxP/Flp-frt mouse models, in combination of chemogenetics/optogenetics, neuroanatomy, neurotracing and electrophysiology, to establish the physiological relevance of specific neural networks in the regulation of feeding behavior, energy metabolism and glucose balance. Dr. Xu’s research has been continuously funded by various sources, including USDA, NIH, AHA, and ADA, etc. Dr. Xu is a recipient of Michael E. DeBakey, M.D. Excellence in Research Award, Molecular and Cellular Biology Excellence in Research Award, and Pediatrics Research Mentor Award.




Brain glucose-sensing neurons detect glucose fluctuations and prevent severe hypoglycemia, but mechanisms mediating functions of these glucose-sensing neurons are unclear. Here we show that estrogen receptor-α (ERα)-expressing neurons in the ventrolateral subdivision of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (vlVMH) are glucose-sensing neurons, being glucose-inhibited neurons (GI-ERαvlVMH) or glucose-excited neurons (GE-ERαvlVMH). Hypoglycemia activates GI-ERαvlVMH neurons via the anoctamin 4 channel, and inhibits GE-ERαvlVMH neurons through opening the ATP-sensitive potassium channel. GI-ERαvlVMH neurons preferentially project to the medioposterior arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (mpARH) and GE-ERαvlVMH neurons preferentially project to the dorsal Raphe nuclei (DRN). Activation of ERαvlVMHàmpARH circuit and inhibition of ERαvlVMHàDRN circuit both increase blood glucose. Depletion of endogenous estrogens in female mice impairs glucose-sensing functions of ERαvlVMH neurons and deletion of ERα in the vlVMH blunts the counterregulatory responses during hypoglycemia. Thus, our results indicate that ERαvlVMH neurons detect glucose fluctuations and prevent severe hypoglycemia in female mice.



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