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3月29日清华大学生物论坛 - Andrew Camilli

High-throughput Genetic Analysis of Bacterial Pathogens




Andrew Camilli, Ph.D.

Howard Hughes Investigator

Department of Molecular Biology & Microbiology

 School of Medicine

 Tufts University 

Dr. Andrew Camilli is a Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology & Microbiology at Tufts University School of Medicine and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He studies pathogenic mechanisms of bacterial pathogens using high throughput approaches. His laboratory recently developed the TN-seq technology to define gene functions using high throughput transposon insertion and deep sequencing techniques (Nature Methods, 2009, 6:767). This technique has been widely applied for identify essential genes in many microbial pathogens. He also discovered the CRISPR/Cas system in bacteriophage (Nature, 2013, 494:489). 

Time: 16:00 pm, Mar. 29th, 2017 (Wednesday)

Venue:   Biotechnology Building Meeting-room 2201

Host:   Prof. Jing-Ren Zhang


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