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6月23日清华大学生物论坛 Jan-Willem Veenin

Origins of Antibiotic Resistance

Jan-Willem Veening PhD
Centre for Synthetic Biology
University of Groningen

Biography:2007 PhD in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Highest distinction)
University of Groningen, the Netherlands 
2002 MSc in Biology (Highest distinction) University of Groningen, the Netherlands  
May 2014 – Now, Associate Professor.
Molecular Genetics Department, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB), Centre for Synthetic Biology, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands

Abstract:The rapid spread of antibiotic resistance, combined with a near absence of new antibiotics, are leading to a public health threat. One of the leading bacterial causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide is Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus). Frighteningly, inappropriate antibiotic treatments can accelerate the occurrence of multidrug resistance by activation of a developmental process called bacterial competence.

In this seminar, Veening will discuss how antibiotics affects pneumococcal physiology and how antibiotics promote competence development. Molecular insights into the mechanisms driving bacterial evolution and resistance will advance the quest for novel treatment strategies.

Time: Jun.23th.2015, 16:00
Venue: New Biology Building, Room 143
Host: Prof. Jingren Zhang

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