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5月26日清华大学生物论坛-Stephen L. Nutt

The transcriptional control of humoral immunity

Stephen L. Nutt PhD
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Biography:Dr Nutt completed his PhD at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna Austria, followed by post-doctoral training at the University of Cambridge UK. In 2001, he established his laboratory at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne as the inaugural Metcalf Fellow. In 2011 he was appointed head of the newly created Division of Molecular Immunology at the WEHI and is currently an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and a Professor at the University of Melbourne. He has authored more than 140 publications in leading journals and is a member of the Faculty of 1000.

Abstract:My research is focussed in understanding how cell fate and differentiation decisions are controlled in the immune system. The differentiation of B cells into either germinal center and memory B cells or antibody-secreting plasma cells is one such cell fate decision that is controlled by the interaction of a handful of transcription factors with extrinsic signals, including antigen and cytokines. To better characterize this process we have used RNAseq to delineate the transcriptome of all stages of B-cell terminal differentiation. This approach has enabled us to define a molecular signature that highlights the stark transcriptional divide between B cells and plasma cells, and also demarcates antibody-secreting cells based on location and maturity. We are also focussing on the factors that control the differentiation process including PU.1 and Irf8 that promote the B cell fate and Irf4, Xbp1 and Blimp1 that drive plasma cell differentiation, with an aim to develop gene regulatory networks that describe the B-cell terminal differentiation process.

Time: May.26th.2015,16:00
Venue: New Biology Buliding,Room 143
Host: Prof.Li Wu


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