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 RNA and Neuroscience

  The complexity of our human brain makes it the most complex organ to study and understand, in terms of its anatomic structure, functional circuit, and molecular diversity.  Recently, emerging evidence indicates that RNA species, RNA modifications, and RNA regulations are most abundant in mammal brain, underscoring RNA diversity partially contributes to the brain complexity.  Not surprising, RNA processing has been involved into many neuronal functions, including neuron differentiation, brain development, and learning and memory.  In addition, the minor errors underlying RNA metabolism and regulation are deleterious to human health, especially leading to brain diseases.  This symposium aims to strengthen the collaboration between the two cutting edge fields, RNA and neuroscience, and to stimulate brilliant ideas from the angle of RNA to better understand our brain and prevent brain diseases.

April 20th, 8:15-8:30a.m.
Opening remarks by Dr. Yichang Jia

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Douglas Black, HHMI/UCLA
Title: Neuronal Mechanisms and Programs Regulating Alternative Pre-mRNA Splicing

Speaker: Dr. Jisong Guan, Tsinghua
Title: Epigenetic priming of neurexin splicing protects memory from disturbance
Break, 10:10-10:30a.m.

Speaker: Dr. Yichang Jia, Tsinghua
Title: Disease mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration caused by RNA abnormalities

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Xiangdong Fu,UCSD
Title: Sequential Regulatory Loops for Neuronal Induction and Maturation in Human Cells
Break, 3:00-3:10p.m.

Speaker: Dr. Xiaohua Shen, Tsinghua
Title: LncRNA Haunt in embryonic stem cell and gene regulation

Speaker: Dr. Zilong Qiu, represented by Dr. Tian-Lin Cheng, Institute of Neuroscience (ION), Shanghai
Title: Autism-related protein MeCP2 suppresses nuclear microRNA processing via regulating DGCR8/Drosha complex

Speaker: Dr. Geng Wang, Tsinghua
Title: Non-coding RNA as mitochondrial retrograde signals
Break, 5:10-5:30p.m.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Don Cleveland, UCSD
Title: From Charcot to today: Mechanisms and therapy in ALS and beyond
Closing .

Time: Apr.20th.2015,8:15a.m.
Venue: Medical Science Building, Room B323
Host: Prof. Yichang Jia
举办单位:成品直播app大全免费下载 & 清华-IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院

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