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3月24日清华大学生物论坛-Erica A. Golemis

 Aurora-A kinase:  Cancer, Cilia, and ADPKD

Erica A. Golemis PhD
Fox Chase Cancer Center

Abstract:Erica A. Golemis is a Professor and Deputy Scientific Director at Fox Chase Cancer Center, an Adjunct Professor at the UPenn, at Drexel University and at Temple University.  She is a national leader in translational research.  Her group performs both basic and translational scientific research.  One major area of focus is the study of the NEDD9, Aurora-A, and EGFR oncogenes. Based on her group’s recognition that Aurora-A has non-mitotic functions in regulation of the cell cilia, much of her recent work has applied insights from cancer treatment for the development of therapies of polycystic kidney disease.  A second research area is the use of bioinformatics-guided and siRNA screening approaches to elucidate signaling networks that can be targeted to improve therapeutic response. She has co-authored over 160 articles, has served continuously on peer-review panels for the American Cancer Society, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, the Komen Foundation, the New Jersey Commission for Cancer Research, and other agencies.  She is an Editorial Board Member for Cancer Biology and Therapy, and BMC Cancer.  She received a number of research awards, including a 2011 Research Award from the American Cancer Society, and was 2014 recipient of the Temple University of Medicine Translational Research Award.

Time: Mar.24th.2015,16:00
Venue: New Biology Buliding,Room 143
Host: Prof.Junmin Pan

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