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5月28日 清华大学生物论坛


Jonathan Wilson Yewdell, Ph.D.

Chief, Cellular Biology Section, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID



1975  A.B. (Biochemistry), Magna Cum Laude, Princeton University, 

1981  M.D. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1981  Ph.D. (Immunology), University of Pennsylvania 


Brief Chronology of Employment:

1981-1982  Post-Doctoral Fellow, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, 

1982-1983  Post-Doctoral Fellow , Imperial College, London, England

1983-1987  Assistant Professor, Wistar Institute 

1987-1993  Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID,

1993-Present  Chief, Cellular Biology Section, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID 

2006  Senior Biomedical Research Service (SBRS)

2008  Senior Investigator


Title: Influenza Adrift: Rethinking Influenza A Virus Evolution



Year in and year out, influenza viruses exact a deadly and expensive toll on humanity.   Current vaccines simply do not keep pace with viral immune evasion, providing partial protection, at best, among various age groups.  I will discuss recent advances in immunology and virology that offer the very real possibility of radically improving the effectiveness of influenza A virus vaccines, but also raise the essential question of how the virus will evolve in response.


Venue: Room143, New Biology Building, THU

Time: May 28 (Tuesday), 2013; 16:30

Host: Prof. Babak Javid


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