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研究方向 : 

本实验室主要研究染色质的结构生物学(structural biology of chromatin)。染色质是真核生物的生命蓝图。真核细胞的DNA缠绕组蛋白,形成核小体,并进一步组装成染色质,储存在细胞核中。染色质形成对基因组起保护作用。然而,染色质形成同时妨碍细胞在需要的时候读取这些遗传信息。真核细胞进化出一系列染色质调控因子,它们有的对核小体进行化学修饰,有的移动核小体的空间位置,有的交换组蛋白变体,有的甚至拆分核小体。我们实验室利用结构生物学手段,尤其是x-射线晶体学以及冷冻电子显微镜学,研究这些染色质调控因子的结构、工作机理以及生物学功能。

本实验室也对细胞分裂(Cell division) 感兴趣。真核细胞分裂时,微管细胞骨架体系发出信号,使细胞在正确的时间和正确的地点形成收缩环, 驱动细胞膜内陷,从而把染色体平均分配到两个子细胞中。我们实验室研究这条调控细胞分裂的关键信号通路的分子机理。

代表性科研论文 :

1.   Liu X#, Li M#, Xia X#, Li X, Chen Z*. Mechanism of chromatin remodelling revealed by the Snf2-nucleosome structure. Nature, 544 (7651):440-445, 2017

2.    Guan R, Zhang L, Su Q P, Mickolajczyk KJ, Chen GY, Hancock WO, Sun Y. Zhao Y, Chen Z* Crystal structure of Zen4 in the apo state reveals a missing conformation of kinesin. Nature Communication, 8:14951, 2017

3.   Yan L#, Wang L#, Tian Y, Xia X, Chen Z*. Structure and regulation of the chromatin remodeller ISWI. Nature, 540(7633):466-469, 2016

4.   Xu P#, Li C#, Chen Z, Jiang S, Fan S, Wang J, Dai J, Zhu P*, Chen Z* The NuA4 core complex acetylates nucleosomal histone H4 through a double recognition mechanism. Mol. Cell, 63 (6):965-75, 2016

5.   Qin Y, Tan C, Lin, J, Qin Q, He J, Wu, Q, Cai Y, Chen Z*, Dai J*. EcoExpress – a highly efficient construction and expression of multicomponent protein complexes in Escherichia coli. ACS Synth Biol. 5(11):1239-1246, 2016

6.   Xu X#, Lin A#, Zhou C#, Blackwell SR, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Feng Q, Guan R, Hanna MD, Chen Z*, Xiao W*. Involvement of budding yeast Rad5 in translesion DNA synthesis through physical interaction with Rev1. Nucleic Acids Res. 44(11): 5231-45, 2016

7.   Xia X#, Liu X#, Li T, Fang, X, Chen Z*. Structure of chromatin remodeller Swi2/Snf2 in the resting state. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 23(8):722-9, 2016

8.   Cao T, Sun L, Jiang Y, Huang S, Wang J, Chen Z*. Crystal structure of a nuclear actin ternary complex. PNAS. 113(32): 8985-90, 2016

9.   Sun L, Guan R, Lee IJ, Liu Y, Chen M, Wang J, Wu JQ, Chen Z*. Mechanistic insights into the anchorage of the contractile ring by anillin and Mid1. Dev Cell, 33(4):413-26, 2015

10.   Mi N, Chen Y, Wang S, Chen M, Zhao M, Yang G, Ma M, Su Q, Luo S, Shi J, Xu J, Guo Q, Gao N, Sun Y, Chen Z*, Yu L*. CapZ regulates autophagosomal membrane shaping by promoting actin assembly inside the isolation membrane. Nat Cell Biol. 17(9):1112-23, 2015

11.   Chen Z., Borek D., Patrick S.B., Gomez T.S., Metlagel Z., Ismail A., Umetani J. Billadeau D.D., Otwinoski Z. and Rosen M.K. Structure and control of the actin regulatory WAVE complex. Nature, 468,(7323),533-538, 2010

12.   Chen Z., Yang H., and Pavletich N.P. Mechanism of homologous recombination from the RecA-ssDNA/dsDNA structures. Nature, 453 (7194), 489-494, 2008 


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