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糖脂代谢调控,细胞分泌通路(The Secretory Pathway), 胰岛素信号
本研究组专注于研究细胞分泌调控糖、脂代谢的功能及机理。细胞分泌是生物学中最基础的问题之一,对其分子机理的研究多次获得诺贝尔奖,包括2013年的生理及医学奖。糖脂代谢则与我国、世界的重大疾病——糖尿病、心脑血管疾病休戚相关。糖脂代谢依赖细胞分泌来实现全身稳态平衡,而多个分泌因子也已成为治疗代谢疾病的优异药物靶点,充分体现了基础科研和转化医学的有机结合。对于此交叉领域,我们将秉承“立足重大基础科学问题,探索前沿转化研究成果”的思路,在以下三方面融汇贯通、齐头并进:(1)阐明独特的脂类分泌通路及其代谢功能;(2)发现并解析其中特异的调节基因(machinery and signaling factors);(3)探索重要的分泌蛋白的转化医学前景。以此为目标,我的研究组将综合利用生物化学、生理学、细胞生物学及遗传学的手段,借助代谢活性细胞(metabolic active cells)、模式生物和基因敲除动物,从分子机理到整体功能深入展开研究。



1. Chen XW, Wang H, Pahuja KB, Zhang P, Meng ZX, Ma D, Bai Y, Liu H, Adams E, Baines A, Yu G, Sartor MA, Zhang B, Yi Z, Young SG, Schekman R, and Ginsburg D. SEC24A Deficiency Lowers Plasma Cholesterol through Reduced PCSK9 Secretion. eLife 2013 Apr 9;2:e00444. (Editor’s choice; also commented by DeBose-Boyd and Horton; highlighted by Faculty of 1000)

2. Chen XW, Saltiel AR. Ral’s Engagement with the Exocyst: Breaking UP is Hard to Do. Cell Cycle 2011 Jul;10(14):2299-304.

3. Chen XW, Leto D, Xiao J, Goss J, Wang Q, Shavit JA, Xiong TT, Yu GG, Toomre D, Ginsburg D, Xu Z, and Saltiel AR. Exocyst Function is Regulated by Effector Phosphorylation. Nature Cell Biol. 2011 May; 13(5):580-8. (Highlighted by Faculty of 1000)

4. Chen XW, Leto D, Xiong TT, Yu GG, Decker SJ, and Saltiel AR. A Ral GAP Complex Links PI 3-Kinase/Akt Signaling to RalA Activation in Insulin Action. Mol. Biol. Cell 2011 Jan; 22 (1):141-52. (Editorial Highlighted Paper)

5. Chen XW, Leto D, Chiang SH, Wang Q, Saltiel AR. The Activation of RalA is Required for Insulin-Stimulated Glut4 Trafficking to the Plasma Membrane via the Exocyst and the Motor Protein Myo1c. Dev. Cell 2007 Sep; 13(3):391-404.

6. Chen XW, Saltiel AR. TIRFing out Studies on Glut4 Trafficking. Dev. Cell 2007 Jan; 12(1):4-5.

7. Chen XW, Inoue M, Hsu SC, Saliel AR. RalA-Exocyst Dependent Recycling Endosome Trafficking is Required for the Completion of Cytokinesis. J Biol. Chem. 2006 Dec 15; 281(50): 38609-16.

8. Martin TD, Chen XW, Saltiel AR, Walker CL, Reiner DJ, Der CJ. Ral and Rheb GTPase Activating Proteins Integrate mTOR and GTPase Signaling in Ageing, Autophagy, and Tumor Cell Invasion. Molecular Cell (Cover story)

9. Xiao J, Chen XW, Davies BA, Saltiel AR, Katzmann D, and Xu Z. Structural Basis of Ist1 Function and Ist1-Did2 Interaction in MVB Pathway and Cytokinesis. Mol. Biol. Cell 2009 Aug; 20(15):3514-24.

10. Wang Q, Chen XW, Margolis B. Pals1 Regulates E-cadherin Trafficking in Mammalian Epithelial Cells. Mol. Biol. Cell 2007 Mar; 18(3):874-85.

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