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何爱彬实验室致力于研究器官(含心脏)发育起源与再生的细胞与分子机制。我们的研究集中在如下两个方向:1. 胚胎期中胚层来源器官(含心脏)干细胞特化与分化的表观遗传调控机制,以及先心病产生的细胞起源机理。我们发展新颖单细胞多维表观遗传学技术,探索组织干细胞特化与命运决定的关键增强子组与其调控的转录因子网络。2. 实时成像结合数学模型绘制器官(心脏)发育起源/异常心脏再生的细胞学图谱。我们利用光片显微镜与图像图形处理技术,结合细胞谱系示踪,追踪心脏干细胞的增殖、分化、迁移和分配,绘制细胞图谱。本实验室综合运用发育生物学、表观遗传学、生物信息学、光片显微镜技术和数学建模等多学科交叉工具与方法,解决上述科学问题。




1.   Yue Y, Zong W, Li X, Li J, Zhang Y, Wu R, Liu Y, Cui J, Wang Q, Bian Y, Yu X, Liu Y, Tan G, Zhang Y, Zhao G, Zhou B, Chen L, Xiao W#, Cheng H#, and He, A#. Long-term live imaging reconstructs in toto cardiomyocyte behaviors underlying mammalian heart chamber formation. Nature Cell Biology. 2020; 22, 332–340.

2.   Ai S, Xiong H, Li CC, Luo Y, Shi Q, Liu Y, Yu X, Li C and He A. Profiling chromatin state by single-cell itChIP-seq. Nature Cell Biology. 2019; 21(9):1164-1172. 

3.   Wang Q, Xiong H, Ai S, Yu X, Liu Y, Zhang J and He A. CoBATCH for High-throughput Single-cell Epigenomic Profiling. Mol Cell. 2019; 76(1):206-216.

4.   Xiong H, Luo Y, Yue Y, Zhang J, Ai S, Li X, Wang X, Zhang YL, Wei Y, Li H, Hu X, Li C and He A. Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Chemotaxis Mediated Intra-Organ Crosstalk During Cardiogenesis. Circ Res. 2019; 125(4):398-410.

5.    Li Y, Ai S, Yu X, Li C, Li X, Yue Y, Wei Y, Li CY# and He A#. Replication-Independent Histone Turnover Underlines the Epigenetic Homeostasis in Adult Heart. Circ Res. 2019; 125(2):198-208.

6.    Han X, Zhang J, Liu Y, Fan X, Ai S, Luo Y, Li X, Jin H, Luo S, Zheng H, Yue Y, Chang Z, Yang Z, Tang F, He A# and Shen X#. The lncRNA Hand2os1/Uph locus orchestrates heart development through regulation of precise expression of Hand2. Development. 2019; 146(13).

7.    Li Y, Li C, Li S, Peng Q, An NA, He A# and Li CY#. Human exonization through differential nucleosome occupancy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018;115:8817-8822.

8.   Ai S, Yu X, Li Y, Peng Y, Li C, Yue Y, Tao G, Li C-Y, Pu WT and He A. Divergent Requirements for EZH1 in Heart Development Versus Regeneration. Circ Res. 2017;121:106-112.

9.    Ai S, Peng Y, Li C, Gu F, Yu X, Yue Y, Ma Q, Chen J, Lin Z, Zhou P, Xie H, Prendiville TW, Zheng W, Liu Y, Orkin SH, Wang D-Z, Yu J, Pu WT# and He A#. EED orchestration of heart maturation through interaction with HDACs is H3K27me3-independent. Elife. 2017;6.

10.   Chen JY, Shen QS, Zhou WZ, Peng J, He BZ, Li Y, Liu CJ, Luan X, Ding W, Li S, Chen C, Tan BC, Zhang YE, He A#, Li CY#. Emergence, Retention and Selection: A Trilogy of Origination for Functional De Novo Proteins from Ancestral LncRNAs in Primates. PLoS Genet. 2015;11:e1005391.

11.   He A#*, Gu F*, Hu Y, Ma Q, Yi Ye L, Akiyama JA, Visel A, Pennacchio LA, Pu WT#. Dynamic GATA4 enhancers shape the chromatin landscape central to heart development and disease. Nat Commun. 2014;5:4907.

12.   He A, Shen X, Ma Q, Cao J, von Gise A, Zhou P, Wang G, Marquez VE, Orkin SH and Pu WT. PRC2 directly methylates GATA4 and represses its transcriptional activity. Genes Dev. 2012;26:37-42.

13.   He A, Ma Q, Cao J, von Gise A, Zhou P, Xie H, Zhang B, Hsing M, Christodoulou DC, Cahan P, Daley GQ, Kong SW, Orkin SH, Seidman CE, Seidman JG and Pu WT. Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Regulates Normal Development of the Mouse Heart. Circ Res. 2012;110:406-15.

14.    He A*, Kong SW*, Ma Q and Pu WT. Co-occupancy by multiple cardiac transcription factors identifies transcriptional enhancers active in heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011;108:5632-7.

15.   Ikeda S*, He A*, Kong SW, Lu J, Bejar R, Bodyak N, Lee KH, Ma Q, Kang PM, Golub TR and Pu WT. MicroRNA-1 negatively regulates expression of the hypertrophy-associated calmodulin and Mef2a genes. Mol Cell Biol. 2009;29:2193-204. 

16.   He A, Zhu L, Gupta N, Chang Y and Fang F. Overexpression of micro ribonucleic acid 29, highly up-regulated in diabetic rats, leads to insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Mol Endocrinol. 2007;21:2785-94.


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