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12月6日清华大学生物论坛 - Miguel A. Esteban

Balancing activation and repression in somatic cell reprogramming

Miguel A. Esteban, Ph.D.

Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health 

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Guangzhou, China


Miguel A. Esteban博士自2008年来华至今来,已独立承担多项研究工作,并成为首位承担中国科技部973计划项目首席科学家的外裔研究员。在 Nature Genetics, Nature Materials, Cell Stem Cell 及其他国际顶级杂志上发表文章 40 余篇,其中通讯及共同通讯作者文章25 篇,第一作者文章6 篇,总引用次数约为2000 次,其中有两篇文章属于全球引用率Top 1%的高引用文章,申请PCT 一项,国内专利9 项,授权8 项,并多次获得国家,省、市科研经费项目及高端外国专家项目。现主要研究方向为干细胞、神经退行性疾病、重编程、转分化、非编码RNA,并取得了一系列的学术成绩。


Somatic cell reprogramming is a groundbreaking discovery with implications for any aspect of biology and not just regenerative medicine. Understanding the mechanisms of reprogramming is thus important to produce good quality cells with high efficiency and it may also help comprehend cell fate transitions in other contexts. Nowadays, reprogramming is well characterized at the cell biology and gene expression level but how these changes are orchestrated is not known. We will discuss new models for understanding reprogramming based on the coop¬¬eration between the exogenous transcription factors, transcriptional co-regulators, and the basal transcriptional machinery.

Time: Dec. 6th, 2016, 16:00

Venue: New Biology Building, Room 143

Host: Jose C. Pastor-Pareja,


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